Teso La Monja, which draws its name from our Toro D.O. winery, came about as a result and reflection of the love affair between our family of La Rioja winegrowers and the Toro region, one that has lasted for more than 15 years. Today, our passion for Toro is as strong as ever. Teso La Monja is an invitation to enjoy the magic of the Tinta de Toro grape variety and the vineyard’s intimate connection with its setting, in a wine that was created to become a legend, whose memory will transcend generations, enduring over time. To uncork a bottle of Teso La Monja is to undertake a fascinating journey to a small plot of land embraced by magic and the legendary character only boasted by those privileged vineyards acquiring natural heritage status over the course of decades, and that man is called to care for with the dedication he would show any precious and fragile treasure like this one.