20 de Peinado , is not only a Brandy designed for those who seek excellence in their glass,
it is also to have the certainty of knowing that you are joining a select club of lovers of perfect moments,
memorable places, companies desired… of everything that makes different not only people,
but also everything that surrounds them… That everything that defines us and speaks of us… and makes us special…
A Club brandy, suitable for consumption at any time and place, with any company…
For those who feel special that they belong to club20 …
club20 of spirit, club20 of aromas, club20 of image, club20 of senses
Evocations, all of them, that rest in each glass of 20 of Peinado.
Subtle and fine aromas..
Evocation of nuts, almonds, highly evolved, complex…
Mahogany color. Round and smooth, complex set of nuances of great richness with an aftertaste reminiscent of the nose..